About "On the Road with Lewis & Clark"
This website is designed to let users travel the Lewis and Clark Trail through images and text. It emphasizes driving roads on or near the trail. Users can follow the entire trail from St. Louis, Missouri to Astoria, Oregon, or select one or more sections along the way. I drove and photographed the trail over a four period, from August, 2007 to August 2011. I'm still revisiting some sites and finding new ones I missed on the original excursion. For example, Maya Lin's Confluence Project in Oregon and Washington are ongoing additions to sites already documented. I'll add them to this website as I get to photograph them. Some photos were created on film and in the darkroom before 2007. Most are digital images. As I spent more time on the trail, I found this process more convenient and flexible. For example, you can change ISO settings as light conditions vary. It's also much easier to add digital images to the website than film generated ones. The quality of photos varies because I constantly moved along the trail, much as the Corps did, working with whatever weather Mother Nature handed me on any particular day. In some cases, when I revisit a site and the light is better, I reshoot it. Of course there are gaps where sites are not accessible by auto (Bitteroot Mountains, Idaho) or on private land. Then private tour companies become necessary, or permission required from a land owner. I hope this website encourages travelers to visit Lewis and Clark sites on or near their vacation destinations. Maybe following the entire trail will become a goal as it did for me.
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